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Your Visual Resume is what you look like and how your personal brand shows up to the world
Just Because...

is your visual resume in order?

What is your visual resume you ask?!?! It’s basically how you ‘show up’ to the world – it’s your visual dossier of your experiences and aspirations… Ideally your visual resume aligns with your professional and personal brands, and your appearance. When you walk away and someone says, “Wow, s/he was so together and was just a delight to talk to about xyz. S/he is sharp and knows her/his stuff!” >>> that is your visual resume shining through! Now, is your

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Just Because...

Digital Age, Old Paper

We live in age of technology ~ ipads and tablets, smartphones, apps and mobile settings….but paper still exists. For me, there is something wonderful about the tactile nature of paper and thus, while I get several magazines online/electronically, there are still some that require my fingers to page. What magazines or publications do you still want to ‘thumb through’?

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Food & Restaurants

The Perfect Cup of Iced Coffee

I like coffee (see previous post about “Morning Beats & Reading Treats“) so when I saw this video on PureWow, I was convinced I had to share. Warm weather is around the corner and why blow that $728 at Starbucks when you can do it at home and make it just the way you want it? This just means I need to make sure I have the perfect mug…!

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salaries across the country
Just Because...

How Much Do You Have To Make To Be Successful?

I saw this article in the August 2013 Esquire and I had to share. I remember when I first moved to D.C. and I had a firm price in my mind of what I wanted to pay for my home based on my salary….which was great (or so I thought)! Then I started looking and I started adding up all of the little items that were getting to be costly like registering my car, etc. Needless to say, when it

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Just Because...

What I’m Grateful For

I spent the weekend indoors for the most part catching up on a stack of magazines. It was a terrific time to reflect on how grateful I am for everything I’ve been given. Left to my own devices, I’m not sure where I’d be or what I’d be doing…. My list is long but includes… (1) anything camouflage {I scooped these pants in Australia at Zara and I’m almost embarrassed to say I’ve been rocking them like every other day}

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52 Week Money Challenge

Want a fairly painless way to save $1,378 this year? Take the 52-week Money Challenge ~ each week you deposit the number of the week that were in a savings account. For example, this is the 1st week of 2013, so you will deposit $1.00 into your savings account. Next week will be Week 2, so you will deposit $2, and so on. I started a special savings account at HSBC (click here) that has no monthly fees, no minimums but

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Just Because...

Why Style Resolutions Matter & What They Should Be

Perhaps counter to popular thought, my style resolutions were not very easy to put together…albeit a tad less complicated given I’d nailed down my 2013 theme and expectations. My style expectations and goals include a full month moratorium on shopping (NO purchases for the entire month of January. It’s is in part so I can fully assess what I’ve got and in part so I’m not tempted by the last minute retailer discounts on items that I don’t really need

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Dresses & Outfits

Ripped From the Pages of Marie Claire

Across the last several months, Marie Claire is stepping up its game and, undoubtedly, EIC Joanna Coles is a large part of that. I’m particularly in love with the MC@Work features. This week, I’ve snagged a piece about what to say in the stickiest of office situations….. “Quitting a job is a lot like breaking up – it’s better when both parties see it coming. So be sure to drop hints that you’re itching to try something else” Kiss up

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A Few of My Favorite Things

I don’t do this often but I wanted to share a few of my favorite things: some you may love and want {simply click the pic to purchase} and others you may wonder ‘why?’ Either way, ask or share your favorite thing at the moment and you might just win that item! Don’t be surprised if you see me sporting one or more of these items soon….while a few are fabulous finds for now, several are wardrobe builders to have

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Just Because...

Sup in June?

In June, we’ll be….. writing a piece on our Philly shopping road trip (what to drive and where to stay/eat/sleep/shop)! doing a contest with Lo & Sons focused on “packing for your summer weekend getaway” {hint: show us everything you’ll pack and a Lo & Sons travel bag could be yours} waiting to hear back from Victoria on her Lifetherapy bootie (she won the body scrub & stuff!) kicking off our “Stylish Technology at Work Series” in conjunction with Microsoft

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Just Because...

Are Skinny White Models Bad For Business?

Finally ~ The Guardian says it….skinny white models may be bad for business. The debate over how small is too small and vice versa is nothing new in fashion. Who was it who said, “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.“? Or perhaps Jo Swinson calling for the banning of airbrushing that highlighted the craziness. Either way, Ben Barry, a modeling agency CEO surveyed over 2000 women to understand the representation of females in fashion. His results were astounding, “My

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Just Because...

Is Sleep Deprivation Sexy (or Stylish)?

Ummm NO! Over the last two weeks, I have had crazy sleep patterns and don’t fully know why. Is it that I’m so psyched about the spring weather? Am I eating too much too late? Should I cut off my caffeine drip earlier in the day? Not sure but, Marie Claire recently did a great article on seven bedtime habits that ruin your sleep. maintain your sleep schedule ~ you can’t go from a night owl to early-to-bed-betty and think

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Just Because...

Reebok Broncos Tebow vs. Nike Jets Tebow

{photo from backstage at Espy Awards, 2011} That is the gist of it ~ Reebok as the supplier of NFL team uniforms is only through March 1st (or March 31st according to them); and on April 1st, Nike will be it. Well Tim Tebow was traded from the Denver Broncos to the New York Jets on March 21st. Who gets dibs on his New York Jets paraphernalia from March 21st to March 31st? Well a Manhattan federal judge issued a

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Just Because...

eff you!

{photo from handresearch.com} You know the hand gesture associated with that, correct? Most of us do — it’s universal in just about any language but you might not be aware of some of the other gestures that could get you into deep water, or even save you. As part of my Executive Style Curation services, I work with executives to ensure they’re up on the cultural nuances of the countries they are traveling to, so I wanted to share a

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Just Because...

Please VOTE For Me

It’s simple: I want to be the new face of De Wafelbakkers. And you can help me by simply voting for my video on De Wafelbakker’s Facebook page before March 26th at 12pm EST: Click HERE!

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Happy Birthday Mom!

Today, my mother would have been 70 years old….had she not been taken from us in 2001.  Her name was Vivian and she was not only a sparky, vivacious, short-haired spitfire, but one of my greatest style inspirations. Why? When you saw her, I think you were immediately captured by her polished demeanor that worked so well with her stunning orangeish-red short hair and big smile.  Her generous spirit showed in deed and in her talk — a valued confidante

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Tweople to Follow

@froufrouu: Nadia Sarwar, blogger/photographer/stylist (froufrouu.com) I stumbled upon this fabulous fashionista’s photo (below) today while browsing Refinery29’s 50 Street-Style Looks from Fashion’s Finest during NYFW. Juxtaposing masculine accessories with a midi-skirt and blouse, Nadia has such a cool swagger and is so comfortable in her own style—a quality I wish for everyone. Be sure to check out her blog and her amazing photography for lots of stylish inspiration! photo from refinery29.com

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Tweople to Follow

@refinery29: Discovering the newest and best in style, shopping, and emerging trends from the runways to the streets. Tweeting mostly about current trends, fashionable shopping, and links to their latest articles such as their not-to-be-missed fall shoe guide or how to wear an oversized sweater without looking like you’re homesick, Refinery29 is a fabulous resource for youthful style tips! The DC edition will begin in October 2011 (I’m signed up already! Click here to join in the fun). I’m slightly obsessed (it’s

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September STYLE To-Do’s

September is typically one of the hottest in DC and given the recent weather craziness, I suspect that this year will be no different. That said, September is the biggest month in fashion (I have NO ideal how it got to be that way….) so perhaps you can adopt the same philosophy when it comes to your closet! I’ve spent month-upon-month curating my closet and refining my wardrobe so there isn’t a ton to do BUT if you’ve been wayward, here

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