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How Much Do You Have To Make To Be Successful?

How Much Do You Have To Make To Be Successful?
2013/08/24 Better Blueprint

I saw this article in the August 2013 Esquire and I had to share. I remember when I first moved to D.C. and I had a firm price in my mind of what I wanted to pay for my home based on my salary....which was great (or so I thought)!

Then I started looking and I started adding up all of the little items that were getting to be costly like registering my car, etc.

Needless to say, when it was over, I realized that I needed to make sooooo much more dough to even be nearly as comfortable as I had been in Chicago.

So, click on the picture (or here) and then share whether or not you're surprised by the figures!

salaries across the country
