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Health & Beauty

9 yoga hip openers to reverse the damage of sitting down

Yep – after an entire year of working from home, and sitting on our sofa or at our makeshift desks, we’ve succeeded in doing a lot of damage to our bodies! I’m not talking about those pandemic pounds but the damage from sitting down for an entire year whether in front of a television or laptop.   I admit I’m one of the biggest offenders but just doing three of these moves has made a HUGE difference in how I

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Health & Beauty

last year every star scooped these leggings

Apparently, leggings are THE clothing item to own regardless of season, money-earning potential, lifestyle, etc….and apparently, every star rocked the Alo Yoga leggings [pictured above]. If you can step back from the leggings-crazed ledge…and focus on a new year’s resolution/goal of becoming more fit then you should check out the lovely attire that is available at Carbon38 including Alo gear! Now, let’s get fit!

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Health & Beauty

Spice Up Your Health With Ginger

I’m a recent ginger convert….thanks in part to my girlfriend, Jodi, who puts it in any drink we have (I think she thinks I don’t notice….) and after reading all of the health benefits. One of my foci for 2016 is my health including eating a little better, getting some exercise in at least twice a week, and nixing a few bad habits from the repertoire. I added ginger in the form of these ginger honey crystals — it’s like

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Health & Beauty

Personal Branding at Washington School for Girls: Health & Fitness

This week’s session focused on health & fitness and how they shape your personal brand was our most interactive session to date thanks to Ingrid Nelson, a local fitness expert and national Nike ambassador!! She talked to the girls about why fitness was so important, quick edits to their current lifestyle that can have BIG impact, and gave some real-life examples of athletes who “get” to be awesome every day and have to work to make that happen. The girls

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Health & Fitness

To Get a Flat Stomach, Do This

It’s an aspiration we all have or share. And we all want to get it by doing nothing (or as little as possible). Well now you can…. I received the FlexBelt and was 100% skeptical. I saw a few celebs on the brochure and still wasn’t convinced, so I tried it out. Verdict? I think after using it three times, I could actually see a difference!! NO ~ my abs are not flat nor is there a “six pack” where

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Health & Fitness

Rest Well in Eight Moves

The last month or so I’ve been having a lot of restless nights. Sure, there’s some stuff on my mind (poor Julia will tell you as I cheerfully chattered in my sleep while at the Salamander Resort) but, I needed some R.E.M. sleep. R.E.M. (or Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is what your body and mind need to rejuvenate and wake up feeling refreshed. I don’t think I’ve been getting it so, I hit the ‘net and found yoga. I share

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Health & Fitness

Body Reboot – Week 3

Week three is in the rear view for Julia and I. As I mentioned earlier this week, I’m feeling it all over – tighter (yes!), better breathing (yes!), better jumprope performance (yes!) but more sore (yes!). We’ve rounding out day 21 and we’re still going strong with 45-minute Rides at 6AM, 1-hour Barre classes at 6:45PM, and even 1-hour weekend tabata Rides at 8AM. Highlights from last week (Sun-Sat): 11 classes in total (7 Ride, 4 Barre) A weekend with

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Health & Fitness

To Better “Watch” My Progress

Julia and I are two full weeks into our 30 Day #BodyReboot and, I’m not sure about her, but I’m feeling it. My body is feeling “tighter” but moving up and down the stairs isn’t so easy anymore. I’ve been keeping up with my 2-3 minutes of jump rope everyday (except one day I forgot because I was out of town) and now I’ve started running. In all fairness, I was running before but went cold turkey after the last

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