Winter to Spring

Spring Cleaning Tips: #4 (sweaters & bottoms)

  • Men & sweaters: these should be a staple in your wardrobe and, like crayola, come in many colors and styles.  Focus on 1 or 2 cardigans, 1 zip-front sweater that can double as a jacket but not as stiff, and 3-5 pullovers (crewneck or v-neck….v-neck being optimal especially if you’re more solid).  There are others but, let’s start with that so, if they have holes…take them to your tailorwho can tell you whether they are repairable otherwise, let them go.  If the sleeves don’t hit your wrist bone, pack ’em upStains – say bye bye!  In general, plan to keep 2 or 3 cashmere sweaters in your closet for spring and pack the rest (after you dryclean and fold them).
  • Women & bottoms: this is another sensitive subject but let’s go all out!  First, any pant that doesn’t presently make it up your thigh can be donated!!  If the pant or skirt can be wiggled on and fastened but, you are losing some oxygen, our recommendation is to share your good fashion with friends…  Next, for ladies over 35, consider that any skirt that doesn’t hit at least mid-thigh can be retired (just put it on, look in the mirror and even though you love it, exactly what are you trying to say when you wear it???)  I love dresses but any dress (or skirt) that is stretched or folding across the hips means it’s too small….sorry.  Last big (easy) step: send all wool, corduroy and acrylic to the back of the closet of storage because it’s spring!!

♥ Time used & money saved: the respective exercises should take 1.5-2 hours; at least $150 saved by men in not drycleaning unusable sweaters and tax deductions; and upwards of $300+ saved by women in drycleaning bills!!  Now – don’t we feel lighter and ready for spring?

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

One Response

  1. I’m so excited that BfS is coming to assist me in mid-May I need help with my spring cleaning and warerobe development.

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