
What Do You Wear While Home?

Some of you may instantly give me the side eye or a snarky laugh but is your” homewear”, loungewear, or #wfh attire ready for the inquisitive eyes of the internet in the form of your mailman, the coworker you’re Zooming with, or the random run to your local coffee watering hole?

If you’re using COVID as your cover then the answer is no. Don’t feel indicted – it’s just facts! But, more importantly, how you dress while at home influences how productive you are. I know you’re going to say that you do your best work in sweats but thousands of hours of psychology and studying human nature tells us differently. Just as during COVID and the height of #WFH, psychologists share that when you dress to do business or ‘show up’, you get more done, period.

…which begs the original question, “What do you wear while home?”

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours!

#WFH - one work from home uniform

I keep my house temperature pretty cool and given I am subject to hot flashes, I layer! I have a “house sweater” that stays on a dining room chair and gets worn almost every day. Depending on the day, I wear a tee shirt that can support my mood, my school, my need for a color boost, or just because I haven‘t worn the tee and want to see if it still fits the same. I wear my Athleta travel pants (similar style here) because I open my windows most days and receive packages almost daily for clients.

Whether it’s a house dress, t-shirt, dress, grown-up sweatshirt, jeans, or fancy stretchy pants, find your TWO uniforms that can be seen IRL. You’ll feel better, get more done, spend less time trying to find something, and get more time back in your day and life to get real stuff done!


xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

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