acrylic nesting tables, unused wine glasses, box of books…
Yep- I said it… Make this the year of subtracting “stuff” to multiply your happiness! Look around you (assuming you’re at home), you have so much stuff! When I say stuff, I mean tchotchkes, bits, novelties, candles, containers, clothing…
If truth be told – it’s a quiet moment between you and your maker – you don’t even use half of it. So, here’s my proposal and I’m going got do it with you: every day, find ONE thing to subtract from your evergrowing list of stuff. The mechanics behind it are uncomplicated:
- Find/get an empty box or bag.
- Place that box/bag near your front door.
- Every day find ONE thing you can live without… whether it’s a container, a stained tee shirt, a sock pair with one missing sock, a hat that doesn’t fit, or whatever!
- At the end of the month, seal the box/bag and put it in your trunk/basement or some other remote place you rarely go.
- Get another box/bag and do the same thing: every day place ONE item in the box.
The logic behind it is irrefutable:
- You have more than you need
- You have more than you use
- There’s lots you wouldn’t even miss if it were gone
The results are mind-blowing:
- At the end of the second month, assess what’s gone
- Stop to see if you even remember what you put in the Month One box/bag
- Now, that it’s gone and we’re in month two, take the Month One box and donate it to Goodwill, do a Stuff Swap with friends (but on the low, don’t take anything!), donate the box to a church, etc.
- You have now freed yourself of some unnecessary baubles and made your life a little less complicated
You’re welcome!
Now, let’s get started! I’ve already been gathering items in my box, “gifting” items to friends, and sharing “downsizing” finds with my various text chains. I’m a King’s Kid or a God’s Girl, so for me there is something even more wonderful about doing this: I not only get to pour into someone else’s need but it’s an act of faith that says if I need it, He will supply it when it’s time.
Let’s get it people.
Subtract to multiply!