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Men’s Fashion Is Women’s Style

Men’s Fashion Is Women’s Style
2012/02/27 Better Blueprint

Sounds a bit weird, right? But the premise is easy: most men dress for the opposite sex. Ok, there are exceptions out there ~ men who don’t give a crap about anything other than what they want to wear, but for most men, women are very strong influencers of style.

Married men are often at the whimsy of their other half. Single men are at the mercy of demanding girlfriends, or even just the allure of any sexy woman that will have them. ADMIT IT!

Once you admit it (you can do this in private…it doesn’t have to be done as you stand atop a mountain or table), the angst of getting dress will become much simpler. Not easier, but less complicated because now you’re clear on your objective ~ catch the eye of your current love or future hotness!

{photo collage removed}

Across the next few weeks, we’ll be reviewing the top items to have in your closet if you’re an able-body, professional man who wants to look good but doesn’t want to do it if it takes over 30 minutes. Fair enough?

  • Round One: tops
  • Round Two: bottoms
  • Round Three: footwear
  • Round Four: outerwear
  • Round Five: jewelry (or not)
  • Round Six: wallets & watches
  • Round Seven: everything else