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Manly Monday Style Meter

Manly Monday Style Meter
2010/07/19 Maya H.

A stylish start to the week from last week’s lessons learned…..

  • Ice Cream: It's a fabulous way to stay cool in the summer heat and a easy backdoor way to a woman's heart...
  • Tees to Tee Up: T-shirts are a part of every man's life but when they become a wardrobe staple, then we need to talk.  What ever happened to polos, button-downs, henleys, short-sleeve rugbys, jerseys, etc?  In Miami, I saw way too many men in tees...on if they were part of an actual outfit
  • Hail to All Things Non-American: In this particular instance, I'm talking about Europeans love of life...and their bodies!  We, Americans, are stuck on looking smaller and smaller to fit into clothes that are larger and larger but, somehow Europeans are wonderfully comfortable in the smallest bikinis and swim trunks even when they're slightly heavier than what's in the magazine.  Gotta love it!

See.  Do.  Be.  Dapper.
