This is the first in a four part series around building your ideal wardrobe.
You can spend [and waste] a lot of time and money trying to build the ideal wardrobe when you don't have the know-how or at least a guide to put you on the right path. This series is that plan of attack and I hope you find it provides you with enough inspiration to dig in and make it happen.
You'll need to be honest and allocate enough time to do this right. I find doing it by myself is the most productive (when mixed with coffee or wine). You'll start the process by cleaning out, then assessing where you are, and then determining what needs to be added to close the gap.
It's going to be fun - so keep telling yourself that! If this is the first time you've done, you'll need to set aside at least four hours for the first part and then at least two hours for the third and fourth segments. And you'll also find it helpful to focus only on the current season (fall/winter or spring/summer).
Get ready to get lean! We're going from darkness into the light ~ and sometimes that can be a bit scary. Please feel free to email me or leave comments/questions and I'll be sure to respond.
To get started, you may want to purchase some hangers, have a few large garbage bags on hand, and keep a paper and pen handy.
See you next Friday to start our journey toward the ideal wardrobe!