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Make A List, Check It Twice

Make A List, Check It Twice
2014/09/09 Better Blueprint

checklistI'm a huge fan of lists - I use them for my everyday to-do's, for my desired travel destinations, for my will-have-at-some-point-in-the-future items, my bucket list, etc. Plus I have a strange but real love for paper....

I thought I was just a little anal retentive and then I found out a lot of my friends do it too!

Well Business Insider created a list of the 22 lists everyone should make and I wanted to share it so you could get started on yours. I don't agree with all of them but we each move to the beat of a different drummer. Perhaps it's worthwhile to create a list of all the lists you need to make?

My top lists:

  1. Places to see
  2. Restaurants to try
  3. Passwords
  4. Daily to-do's
  5. Bucket list
  6. Home improvement projects
  7. Important dates
  8. Favorite quotes
  9. Things to be thankful for

Which lists do you want to make?
