Health & Fitness| Technology

Fashionable Fitness Bits n Bots

It’s winter and, if you’re like me, you have to battle your inner demons along with the outside temperatures to really maintain (or start) your fitness regiment. What makes it easier for me are fun and fashionable fitness accessories that at least make me smile while I’m running in 37 degree weather.

What’s your fashionable fitness accessory to make winter bearable?

Here are a few of mine because if they can make me roll out of bed perhaps they can do the same for you!!

  1. Lululemon – always fun to look good
  2. Jawbone Up bracelet (in 8 cool colors)
  3. Verilux HappyLight – I really want this because I’ve self-diagnosed S.A.D.
  4. Yurbuds headphones – they stay in your ears even for trail runs!
  5. 180s exolite acoustic – sometimes (like the other day) it’s sunny but the wind is still kicking up!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)