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Health & Beauty

9 yoga hip openers to reverse the damage of sitting down

Yep – after an entire year of working from home, and sitting on our sofa or at our makeshift desks, we’ve succeeded in doing a lot of damage to our bodies! I’m not talking about those pandemic pounds but the damage from sitting down for an entire year whether in front of a television or laptop.   I admit I’m one of the biggest offenders but just doing three of these moves has made a HUGE difference in how I

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Health & Beauty

i hate yoga

It’s true ~ I hate yoga! Ask any of my girlfriends and they’ll gladly share my philosophy on yoga….not for me! When I started walking last summer (and losing weight), it was cool because it was sunny outside. Now that it’s 30 degrees, the motivation to continue has decreased…significantly so I am using every weapon in my arsenal to maintain my gains. Understand that fitness is sexy and being stylish is sexy so fitness is stylish ~ an easy math

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Events & Happenings

Southeast Asia: Thai Massage

Thai massage is also called Thai yoga massage as it’s based on a 2,500-year old Ayurvedic-based body science developed by Buddha’s doctor, Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha. It’s basically like an assisted yoga session where the massage therapist moves your body into various positions and massages along energy points called “sen”. Enough of that ~ I’m sure most of you heard that it’s painful. The truth is a good massage therapist doesn’t hurt albeit, it’s not like a Swedish massage, you will come

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Health & Fitness

Rest Well in Eight Moves

The last month or so I’ve been having a lot of restless nights. Sure, there’s some stuff on my mind (poor Julia will tell you as I cheerfully chattered in my sleep while at the Salamander Resort) but, I needed some R.E.M. sleep. R.E.M. (or Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is what your body and mind need to rejuvenate and wake up feeling refreshed. I don’t think I’ve been getting it so, I hit the ‘net and found yoga. I share

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