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buenos aires is calling me!

Truth be told, Buenos Aires is not really calling me – but it did call for one of my besties so, being the great friend that I am, I’m answering by looking for a plane ticket, planning for lots of Malbec and steak, and putting together my outfits for the trip. A few things to note before/for outfit planning: the flight is 10+ hours the average temp will be low to mid 80s (yippee!) they are known for Malbec and steak!

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Lifestyle & Tech

Six Must-See Movies For Fashion Lovers

Do you love fashion? Are you as committed to the cause as the fashionista next to you? If so, then I’m sure you’ve seen this six fashion-related movies: The True Cost, Dior and I, Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf, The September Issue, Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has To Travel, and Coco Before Chanel. Each will provide a fashionable lesson or two worth learning…. The True Cost – a movie about the clothes you wear, the people that make them and

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The Convergence of Technology & Fashion

I call it stylish tech, but it is truly about how two disparate enterprises have collided, converged, and coalesced into something fabulous that has meant positives pushes forward for all! Until recently, the concept of stylish technology was limited to one brand but the surge of quick-n-fast technology solutions has finally pulled fashion into its whirlwind {it’s not curing world hungry but alas since we don’t walk around naked, we all need it somewhat}. What’s the first thing you think

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Two-Pronged Tech Plan

I am riding high after attending LeWeb in Paris (Europe’s largest social media & internet conference). Why? LeWeb gave me insight into the convergence of fashion and technology; and Rachel Sterne (bless her heart) helped to really knock it out the park! First, let’s talk about Rachel Sterne ~ she’s the 28-year-old Chief Digital Officer in Mayor Bloomberg‘s administration. Her role makes New York the only US city with the Chief Digital Officer role following London and, perhaps laying the pathway

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Tokyo Fashion: Lesson Learned….

For most Americans, Tokyo is expensive.  Consider this: a tall Starbucks soy chai with flavoring (I get french vanilla) is about ¥650 which is about $8.50 using a generous conversion of ¥75.  To get into a taxi, the starting fare is ¥710 which is about $9 before you even start moving….! With that said, walking the streets of Tokyo (which is just about all I can afford to do…..LOL) you will find Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci on just about

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February – What’s Ahead?

Blueprint for Style is continuing its mission to make as many people as possible more fashion-aware and style-savvy! The month of February will be dedicated to the following: Men: Furnishings such as wallets, socks, ties & bowties Women: Purses and all the fun stuff inside Feature: Valentine’s Day gift-giving “Next Hauteness“: Grab Somethin’ Grey… “Splurge & Save“: Purses little note: can we all agree that spring is NOT here yet….and we’ll focus on making it through the winter before looking at

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How To: Move From the Latest Fashion Trend to Classic Style

Sometimes it can be difficult to take what we see on the runways, or in the magazines and television, or on our favorite celebrity personality and make it work for us.  Performing this trick isn’t particularly difficult if you remember a few notable points: Listen to your gut — if it says that shirt feels a little tight then put it back or find a larger size! Runway items are not meant to be worn “as is”— that’s why each

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Ongoing Discussion: What Is Fashion? What Is Style?

I have often used the words “fashion” and “style” interchangeably but, I’m not sure they mean the same thing….or do they?  The Fairchild Dictionary of Fashion says fashion is, “a sociocultural phenomenon in which a preference is shared by a large number of people of a particular style that last for a relatively short period time, and then is replaced by another style…“.  Fairchild defines style as, “in fashion, an individual and distinctive type of dress, coat, blouse, or other

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Elle Does It for $823 – How About a 50% Discount?

In Elle’s Fashion Spotlight section focused on “Summer Interview Style”, they show the following out for $823.30 for 4 pieces.  The outfit is a terrific basic yet classy outfit that can go from work to dinner and drinks.  It consists of the following items:  Cotton button down shirt, Theory, $217.80, visit mywardrobe.com Wool-blend flannel pencil skirt, Jil Sander, $495, visit net-a-porter.com Silver beaded cuff, American Eagle, $12.50, visit ae.com Patent peep-toe pump, Banana Republic, $98, visit bananarepublic.com  Now let me

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