Question from Amir: When it comes to men’s shoes, should dress shoes be flat or have a small heel?
Answer: Simply put, and fashionably speaking, when it comes to men’s dress shoes, they should definitely have a small heel! Dress shoes are mainly designed with two specific parts: the sole/heel area and the top section – you will notice these elements are the most distinctive ones of the shoe. The traditional, and more stylish, inclusion of a heel, which comes in either a standard or cuban form, gives not only your shoe a lift but your style-savvy a boost as well! Heels on dress shoes drastically separate them from looking like everyday, casual shoes. Unless you have a lot of walking to do or are in a laid-back environment, swap your flat rubber sole shoes and go with the more fashion-wise and widely-used option of a heel.
So although heels on shoes may be a more commonly used term in women’s fashion, they are definitely an essential style factor to include in your wardrobe – you’ll look “GQ” in no time.

One Response
Men in heels is a MUST Amir! It takes the look up another notch. It more polished and fashionable.