Technology| Travel

Raise Your Hand If You’ve Heard of #LeWeb

Quietly, I am certain a full 80% of you (maybe more) are raising your hand for real or in your mind. No worries ~ until a month or so ago, I was clueless about LeWeb too. I went to the site, tooled around, saw a phenomenal lineup of social media giants, and decided that I needed to be there because fashion and technology are bound to intersect on more global and large-scale manner, and I want to know when and how to get in on it!

After two full days of Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Apple, Renault, and Evernote to mention a few (OMG, I am in love with Evernote Hello which was just announced earlier today…and let’s you create browsable histories of individuals, share experiences, and catalog encounters!), I am convinced that the collision course of fashion and technology is underway now. Let’s see

  • Karl Lagerfeld said it!
  • Observe all of the fantastic apps popping up for fashionistas, designers and the like (Brushes, Netrobe, Net-a-Porter’s exclusive online boutique called KARL)
  • The rapid proliferation of e-commerce components for most major brands and retailers (…although Club Monaco has yet to make the leap ~ I wonder how much money they’re losing?)
  • Companies focused on social and mobile fashion tools like 360Fashion
  • The use of mobile apps in everyday discussion and networking ~ I have yet to meet a fashion industry person not fully tuned into Evernote, Pinterest and Instagram to name a few!

I will begin providing a few key stats and data from Socialbakers because I need you all to watch the connection happen right before our eyes….thanks LeWeb!.

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)