Buzz| Fall Trends| Style Tips| Trends

October STYLE Radar

October means fall is here — and aside from summer, it’s my favorite month (plus it’s my birthday and Halloween…who doesn’t like an excuse to dress up?!)!  This month should bring about big changes in your closet and with your wardrobeWhether man or woman, white-collar or roadworker, or living la vida loca in LA or clocking miles in the friendly skies, you’ve got to think about where you want to be, how you want to get there, and how you want to look on your way!  October is going to be very busy so before things get outta hand, let me share my expertise and top tips:

Add orange, red or bordeaux to your closet– fall/winter seems to be some silent nod to returning to black but try to buck the system. We think these colors can integrate into any closet very easily especially if you have black or brown as your base color.


Implement a workout program because fall/winter is when everyone adds a few pounds and drops their style ambition. HOLD ON!! Find your favorite pair of pants and work to stay in them throughout the winter….even if you can’t actually wear them.


Clean out your underwear drawer (cold weather and layers is not an excuse to wear raggedy underthings). Men invest in boxer briefs and colder weather calls for boy shorts for the ladies.


Layers are what fall weather is all about….but not necessarily bulk, so ladies keep it smooth and streamline with Yummie Tummies!


We gave you so much in September — just go back and re-read our best style advice to save a little money and move further up on the style food chain…..or simply consider that style is about choice and confidence more than anything else!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)