Grooming| Men's Matters| Outfits

New Career Opp But Same Old Wardrobe

If you sport a suit to work most days, but need to dress-it-down for a new job or interview here’s our recommendation:

  • Opt for chinos/khakis instead of dress pants
  • Nix the suit jacket; a sportcoat is more casual
  • Spice it up but keep it cool with colorful socks
  • No dress shoes – try loafers or the like
  • Print/plaid tie rather than conservative blue is a winner!

You want help getting it right, click here!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)