Furnishings| Men's Matters| Tops

More Winning Shirt-n-Tie Combinations

  • Shirt ($118) and tie ($50) by Bloomingdales
  • Style Notes: Plaid, especially tartan, is classic and while we wouldn’t recommend it for your next big day in court or pitching your next greatest ideal to your Board, it’s very work appropriate for Fridays, academic environments and the likes.  The dark tie tones the shirt down a bit — and with a dark blazer, you’re in business!
  • Where?  The Men’s Store at Bloomingdales

  • Shirt ($150) and tie ($150) combination by Black Fleece
  • Style Notes: Another classic patterned shirt, tattersall, with the larger and bolder stripes of the tie make a winning combination (style tip: remember the stripes in your ensemble should neve rbe the same width).  It’s all about balance.
  • Where? Brooks Brothers
xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


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