Monday Morning Power List

Monday Morning Power List

A week’s worth of fashion, faux pas, follies, fabulosity, finds, forgettables, regrettables, and the like……

  • Style…Splurge: the most stylish of individuals don’t get it by buying it, it’s learned so spend some time and money to develop your own sense of personal style
  • Back to the Basics: of color…blues are soothing, black is foreboding, red is spicy, oranges are soulful and cheery, and so on.  Whether for interview, photo shoot, date outfit – plan accordingly!
  • Purse Power: have you ever noticed how wearing the right purse can just make you feel better?  I mean jeans and a white tee…and a smokin‘ bag and it’s like the world is your oyster!!

See.  Do.  Be.  Stylish.

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

One Response

  1. This is just what I need for my Monday. I wore a vibrant rust with a killer bag.

    I need advice EVERYDAY!! lol

    Thank you.

Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)