I’m not certain how many people actually know that I wear glasses…..have since I was in about third grade. I traded my specs for contacts when I was in seventh grade because I was tired of coming indoors in the winter and having to wait to do anything because my glasses would fog up.
Fast forward to graduate school and I rekindled my love affair with eyewear, and started to pay more attention to the right shapes for my face, the colors that would “pop” against my skin tone, and the specs that made me look more credentialed as I sat across from CEOs and the likes.
Recently, I did a try-on with Rivet & Sway, an eyewear company that focuses on the perfect specs for her….and I’m now falling in love all over again. This time I choose three specs [as is allowed with Rivet & Sway’s complimentary try-on kit]: the Six Shooter, Spitfire and Punchline. I instantly feel in love with the color of the Six Shooter {it’s instant color even for those color-is-the-enemy days}; the shape of the Spitfire was open yet very feminine; and the X appealed to my more poindexter/intellect side.
What was I to do?
Answer: crowd sourcing, of course! People use other people for just about everything these days, so I thought you could help. Which pair do you think look best on me?

First, share your opinion, and then head to Rivet & Sway to snag your own specs because choosing eyewear helps tell your style story even when you can’t!
I’m waiting for your insight….!
2 Responses
I think Punchline goes with your coloring better. i’m in need (want) of zesty new frames. going to check them out!
For some reason, that seems to be the consensus! Check out Rivet & Sway ~ you’ll especially love the try-on process!