
ELF & My Everyday Beauty Regimen

e.l.f. cosmetics display at Target

Across the last 30 days, I’ve been working hard on my #BodyReboot and as a part of that, I’ve been doing some revamping of my beauty regimen as well. Now before I go any further, know this ~ I am not a beauty junky actually quite the opposite. I’m in love with style and fashion, and deathly afraid of beauty products and makeup. I typically utilize the services and expertise of All About The Pretty to make any decision.

But I’m growing up ~ and when I was presented with the opportunity to snag some elf cosmetics [which stands for eyeslipsface] at Target, I jumped at it thinking I would be able to expand my beauty knowledge and product options, and show Julia that I was growing up! I have a more complete photo array on Google +, but allow me to share my current routine which, for many of you, will not be nearly enough!

e.l.f. cosmetics are situated between some better-known brands

My current beauty regimen consists of:

  • waking up and drinking a glass of room temperature water (with lemon)…sometimes
  • splashing some water on my face
  • throwing on workout clothes for Ride and Barre classes
  • adding lip gloss for morning shine ALWAYS
  • [after classes] showering & lubing up (I’m 100% committed to moisturizing my body)
  • For my face, I add eye moisturizer, a vitamin C serum, and argan oil RELIGIOUSLY
  • [assuming I’m heading out] I put on lip gloss and a skosh of multiple on my cheeks
  • [if I’m planning to be gone all day] I’ll add a smidge of bronzer
e.l.f. cleansing wipes (handy after my Ride class!)

Not too bad, right? My goal with this elf cosmetics shop was to add a few touches/updates that my face would appreciate and that I could reasonably maintain going forward. In particular, my morning regimen got some aloe vera with the cleansing cloths (instead of just water) and my daytime look kept a skosh of the summertime glow without all of the oiliness with the shine eraser sheets.  The wipes were particularly cool because they didn’t leave any residue and the package seal works very nicely (it’s a rarity)!! I also started carrying the makeup spritzer to “set” my makeup but I don’t think it’s really working. I’m also going to try the lip gloss brush too….as I think the brush applicator will allow it to stay on longer.

Bottom line: my approach to beauty is casual if not somewhat haphazard and the addition of e.l.f. everyday cosmetics has been an opportunity to add a few steps to a process that is all about retaining my skin’s youthful vibrance. If you’re looking for e.l.f. cosmetics and can’t find them at Target, try twitter or facebook.
all of my e.l.f. booty!!
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. and e.l.f. #CBias #SocialFabric
xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

2 Responses

  1. Chelsea- they’re under $3 so give them a swipe! Or wait a bit and win a $25 gift card on Blueprint for Style soon!!

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