Furnishings| Grooming| Men's Matters

Casual Clothing for Men – Done Right

photo courtesy of Esquire

One of the most common questions we receive from our gentlemen readers is about casual dress. Oddly enough, it’s one of the easiest issues to resolve if you know what you want to look like! Esquire provided some great insights and while we don’t agree with all of them (found here), we wanted to share the ones that contribute to a more dapper don…even in jeans!

      1. When in doubt: a white oxford shirt
      2. That being said, it wouldn’t kill you to mix things up every once in a while. Pinstripe shirts are good. Windowpane, too
      3. The closest a man should ever come to touching denim shorts is helping a woman out of them.
      4. There is a name for men who can pull off wearing sports jerseys. They’re called professional athletes.
      5. “I’m on vacation” has never been a good excuse for anything, including doing body shots, ignoring intelligence warnings about possible terrorist attacks, and wearing whatever you damn well please.
      6. Fitted is good. Snug is dicey. Tight is just wrong.
      7. Khaki pants will look and feel their best approximately two weeks before disintegrating.
      8. The man who imparts opinions via T-shirt has neither the intelligence to form a cogent opinion nor the good sense to keep it to himself
      9. Small holes in jeans? Kind of cool. Small holes in sweaters? Pathetic.
      10. The shinier the shine or the pointier the point, the less casual the shoe

There are more and we’ll share them as the week goes on…..

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

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Style Blueprint


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