
Booties…with Cutout Design (Skip ‘Em)!

kelsi dagger cutout bootieOk- they are supposed to be chic and hip, and all the rage, and I am NOT a fan of these cutout designs.  Rather than achieving something edgy, they are teetering precariously toward ‘hooker-esque’ and for the people I see wearing them, they are not really helping the cause.

If you are interested in them for their hip factor [because again I do not anticipate this becoming a STYLE trend], they are on sale right now at ideeli for $74.  At that price, you can purchase them and when you realize they’re not what’s ‘haute’, you can send them to the consignment store.

If you do plan to get them, try to tone it down by going monochromatic or ensuring everything else has simple, clean lines.  Anything else, and it means you were taking fashion tips from the twentysomethings on the streets which, we know, is not how you become stylish and sophisticated!.

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

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Style Blueprint


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