
Best Style & Fashion Apps for 2011

Besides Twitter, I sat back to figure out what I would have missed in 2011 had I not been able to access these apps. What app do you use regularly that you think you could not have made it through the year without it? Here are mine:

  • Pantone ~ I use this app with all of my clients to better understand their current color preferences as well as create color palettes for inspiration
  • Tungle ~ I can schedule with anyone and manage meetings on the fly! Go ahead and find me, and schedule a meeting…
  • Flipboard ~ I can now literally ‘flip’ through all of my news, style updates, technology news, twitter and LinkedIn updates, and more…all in one application (a fab find from LeWeb)!
  • Brushes ~ an app that allows you to essentially use your iPad/iPhone to draw [now I cannot draw but it does allow me to create sketches that I can later use for/with my clients]
  • Pinterest ~ because we all need a little inspiration and when I can’t seem t put soemthing together, I can go to my folks and they show me what inspires them and it helps me!
xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)