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Hi-Ho Silver…..

Hi-Ho Silver…..
2009/10/14 Maya H.

...Or Silverado, as in the Chloe Large Silverado Handbag at Portero for a small penance of $785.  Portero is an authenticated market for pre-owned luxury goods (read...used), and of all of the similar sites, Portero is far-and-away the best!

Now, remember that my birthday is coming up in less than two weeks so, anyone who is feeling benevolent should feel free to send this my's in very good condition which means it has very few scratches or markings.  I'm an equal opportunist -- I'm going to get a few scratches on it so, if someone added a few prior to me, I'm fine!

Chloe Cognac Large Leather Silverado Handbag

