So, you think “investment” purchases like an Yves Saint Laurent handbag or a Brunello Cuchinelli suit are big, well check out what some billionaires blew their cash on in 2010….some that just make you want to scratch your head:

- Billionaire Stanley Ho, the casino king of Macau, paid $330,000 on the mushrooms and then not even eating them. According to a truffle expert, the large, aged Italian specimens Ho bought–“grand champions,” in industry parlance–were not even the kind you could eat…. Hong Kong real estate magnate Joseph Lau paid $16.7 million for two antique incense burners that were shaped like cranes (apparently they symbolize longevity in China)at Christie’s
- London jeweler Laurence Graff paid a world-record sum for a gem, spending $46 million at a Geneva auction in November for a rare 24.78-carat pink diamond that was last on the market 60 years ago
Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images American hedge fund billionaire Steven Cohen spent $110 million on Jasper Johns’ famous “Flag” painting, setting a record for most expensive work by a living artist
- Texas pipeline tycoon Kelcy Warren spent $46.5 million in April on the 3,500-acre BootJack Ranch near Telluride, Colo. The estate can house 50 guests, and includes a 12,000-square-foot spa and aquatic center
What exactly will you be spending your inheritance on this year?
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