
10 Commandments of Swimsuits

  1. Do not buy a tankini: no belly coverage and the top usually hits at a bad place
  2. Try a maillot: it instantly creates a waist, disguises bulges, and is sexier than a string bikini
  3. No prints if you’re full-figured: they make you look bigger and stand out
  4. Choose a sophisticated color: leave neons and generally craziness to the young chicks; aim for youthful not young!
  5. No skirted suits: they make you look matronly; try a sarong or tunic!
  6. Choose higher-cut legs: they elongate the leg and make the thighs appear leaner
  7. Avoid boy shorts: they emphasize the butt….and stomach!
  8. Plus size suits require a little extra: focus on draping or ruching across the midsection, dark colors and a deep v-neck
  9. Shop for a new suit every other year: lost elasticity and pilling are unsightly!
  10.  For B cups+, stick with structured tops: keeping the package tight is the right answer
xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

6 Responses

  1. Once again you are on the money. I love bikinis but I must have the structured top., if you know what I mean.

  2. Thanks Leslie – I’m glad it’s useful. I want all Blueprint for Style readers to be stylish!

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