Style Tips

What’s Cookin for November?

I’m not a fully domesticated chiquita….in fact, I’m in the phase of life where I’d prefer to have great food (delivered or show up spontaneously) at my house, so the reference to ‘whats’ cookin’ is purely overuse of an American colloquialism. It’s November and we’re all into fall/winter — I was in Napa Valley last week (for my birthday) and although it was sunny and 70s during the day, the nighttime temps were hovering in the mid 40s….a sure sign fall is here to stay. This month, your style to do’s should be about preparation (last minute for some of you….) for the cooler temperatures.

Think layers ~ you don’t have to run fast but walk briskly to your long sleeves and light sweaters. Focus on thinner tops and having two or three layers. This is the season for fun vests,  leather jackets and shrugs with cashmere sweaters and sweatshirts.

Clean out the closet ~ some of you still haven’t done it I know, but anything with a hole or stains should be out of your closet/drawers. Sweaters with sleeves that are slightly three-quarters should be donated. Next!

Boots baby!~ don’t be caught off guard when the rain turns to snow, and you’re feet are cold (brrrrr). If you just want an all-around winner these are it [fashionable, functional, comfortable], but check out our Boot Camp post for other great suggestions.

Get ready for 2012 ~ it’s kinda crazy I know, but 2012 is around the corner. As early as late January, you’ll start seeing winter items on sale and leather….yay!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


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