Grooming| Men's Matters| Outfits| Trends

Wall Street, Custom Suits & Men’s Aversion to Fashion [Video]

WSJ talk with contributor J.J. Martin about the new style standard for men of means ~ the custom suit.

The custom suit says so much without saying a lot ~ you can go with an English tailor {known for more rigid styling}, Italian {known for softer cuts and fabrics}, or stay local {Bryn Keith}. The custom suit is about a little bit of fashion but, more about personalization, understated wealth, perfect fit, and convenience (once you’ve ordered your suit that can run upwards of $2,000, you simply need to re-order by looking at new fabric swatches and placing your order).

Check out Wall Street Journal’s take on this elegant new trend….

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

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