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How To Resist Impulse Buying

Do NOT be fooled, the secret is simple….but no one wants to share! Remember when your mom asked you to make a list of what you wanted for your birthday, or your sibling asked for your Holiday Wish List? The concept was simple: create a list that focused your lust!! A set of pre-determined [and hopefully well though out] items keeps the wandering eye in check. As a stylist, I create an Essentials Shopping List for each client because it

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Tom Ford, perfume, Black Orchid

Scents: Black Orchid

Tom Ford did it. Again. Luxurious and sensual. Spicy. Elegant. Iconic. Black Orchid. On Friday, I headed to one of my favorite Thai restaurants, Beau Thai, to grab dinner and enjoy an evening at home. As I’m coming out of the restaurant, I see my PR guru and give her a hug. I lingered longer than I should have….because she smelled so good. I asked and she said it Tom Ford’s Black Orchid. Needless to say, I was at Nordstrom

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Special Events

What I’m Reading Wednesdays

Last week was New York Fashion Week (#NYFW) so everything I read was focused on what’s on the runway and how to move from the catwalk to the walkway. And of course, I got to share my thoughts on some of the latest NYFW trends on Let’s Talk Live on Friday…along with two other fashion folks, Julia Farr and Grant Harris. It was such an honor and such a blast!! Fashion as an Inescapable Institution (The Society Pages) In fashion,

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Gifts For The Girl With Everything Already

For the girl that has everything, choosing something fabulous can be difficult (and often pricey). But we’ve created a list of options that cater to her fashionable outside, her inner scholar, and her whimsical inner-child. If you need more suggestions, just let us know ~ we’re here to help!                

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Quote of the Week

A man should never wear shorts in the city. Flip-flops and shorts in the city are never appropriate. Shorts should only be worn on the tennis court or on the beach. – A style dictate from Tom Ford … but do you agree?!

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Giving Shade to the other Sunglasses

Blueprint for Style believes style dollars should not be blown on items that can either by sat on and destroyed, or dropped between a car seat and lost forever.  With that said, I am a lover of sunglasses that have panache, great coloring, complimentary shapes, and wonderful coverage….Oliver Peoples, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Costume National, and Tom Ford are stellar examples! Right now, Tom Ford sunglasses are on sale at Beyond the Rackand although the price tag is pricey at

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Designer Dynamo: Tom Ford

There are not enough American designers who make it BIG and who continue to evolve their style while maintaining the foundation of style that propelled them to the top.  Tom Ford is an exception–a top notch designer extraordinaire!  Love Tom Ford for reviving the floundering Italian design label Gucci — kisses! Born in Austin, Texas on August 27, 1961 and raised in Santa Fe, NM (…. he definitely beat the odds!) Tom started at NYC in art history and transferred to Parsons

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