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guess what wardrobe item you need this summer?

Another must-have for busy professionals is a CRISP WHITE SHIRT. Simple, right? Anyone who knows me or any client who has worked with me knows I am a supporter/proponent/closet whisperer/advocate of the white button-down shirt. I’ve even recently published the updated excerpt, The White Shirt, from my latest book, The Creatives’ Closet! But, I digress…. The white shirt is AWESOME 😎 because it can go from day to date night, work to weekend, home to overseas without missing a beat

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one warm weather wardrobe must-have

[shared on LinkedIn] Say that three times really fast! This is one wardrobe #musthave every busy professional to own to build a versatile, summer wardrobe for work. On to business, summer is upon us so expect two things if you are heading back to the office: 1️⃣ a longer commute than you had from your bedroom to your “kitchen” office and 2️⃣ a [very] cool office. On the heels of a global pandemic, the lower temps were seen as good

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