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closed brands, Kate Spade Saturday, C. Wonder, Piperlime

They’re Going The Way of The Samurai

Piperlime. C. Wonder. Kate Spade Saturday.These are just a few of the popular clothing and accessory brands that are shuttering their proverbial doors in 2015. They are going the way of the samurai…but why? I’m sure the analysis has been done that says they weren’t generating enough revenue to cover expenses, or the profit margins were declining incrementally with no end in sight. I’ll go with any/all of those explanations ~ along with my own. In a time of shorten

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Item of the Week: Blanket Sweater

We at Blueprint for Style have succumb to this trend!  The blanket sweater is perfect just about any woman who enjoys being comfortable yet chic at any given point — it’s perfect with jeans, long and short skirts, slacks or leggings and dresses.  Piperlime has several options that we love!!  Our advice to ensure it looks effortlessly chic: Maintain balance: the bulkiness of the sweater dictates that your bottom half be fitted and sleek Keep it simple: we all want pizazz

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Se-quins #1

Everyone’s doing it and, for once, it makes sense.  Sequins used to be limited to nighttime affairs….glitzy “events”….70s nightclubs but no more!  With a little information and know-how, a touch of discretion, and a penchant for balance, and you’re ready to ‘light it up’! Think of a smattering of sequins or beading, not full-on regalia Opt for a sweater or open jacket worn in conjunction with the shimmer Your sequins shouldn’t be too tight or too sparkly (smaller sequins are

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Super Chic, Super Cheap…Scarf

Whether you’re indoors and they’re blasting the A/C, or you’re on a plane on the fella next to you just keeps sneezing in your direction, or you just need a little splash of color with that cute white tee and jeans… a colorful scarf is the answer! They’re all over the place but this one can be found at Piperlime for $40, it comes in this beautiful shade of teal and a haute pink, is long and wide enough to wrap

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Super Cheap, Super Chic Shoe

A winter white shoe is hard to come by, and even harder if you want it to POP and have some pizazz (without the look of your childhood Easter outfit…you remember?!) This Lorna shoe by Hive & Honey brings us one step closer to savvy and a huge leap closer toward spring, and all for just $89!  The color is called “makeup”: it has a 4-inch platform, an almond-shaped toe, and a reptile print!  For all of us in need of

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Scare People with Your Style Savvy

Since it’s Halloween, why don’t you scare your friends with your almost unnatural ability to kick your outfit up a notch with a piece of jewelry…and here’s how!  Grab one of these pieces and add it to that black suit-white shirt combo, or sprinkle some color on that monochromatic grey shift dress you’ve got, or just make your khakis and sweater set sing…. They all play double-duty because in addition to everyday, they are all great pieces for the impending

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