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one warm weather wardrobe must-have

[shared on LinkedIn] Say that three times really fast! This is one wardrobe #musthave every busy professional to own to build a versatile, summer wardrobe for work. On to business, summer is upon us so expect two things if you are heading back to the office: 1️⃣ a longer commute than you had from your bedroom to your “kitchen” office and 2️⃣ a [very] cool office. On the heels of a global pandemic, the lower temps were seen as good

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No “Boo” For The New Blue

Every summer, your girlfriend/partner/wife/significant other implores you to add some color, right? And every summer, you purchase the obligatory bright sneaker, cool Havaianas, yellow shirt, or white pants, right? Note: she’s just trying to help… That said, surprise her by adding a summer blue to your repetoire. It’s light enough to keep her off your back, but manly enough to keep the fellas from giving you too much grief! We love it because: it’s still goes with all your navy,

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