Hotels| Travel| W.W.F.

One For The Road: Cuba

{partagas cigar factory}
{partagas cigar factory}

Are you going?
Well before you pack your bags, here are a few items to note:

  • stay at Hotel Nacional de Cuba
  • don’t think you’re just going……you still need a fairly legit reason to get past official channels
  • skip internet; it’s not readily accessible
  • plan to go to the Partagás cigar factory will they still hand roll the Partagas No. 5
  • apparently you’re supposed to do the Tropicana
  • go with euros in hand (not USD)


Side note: those impossibly fabulous shoes by Alejandro Ingelmo are an excellent to book travel!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

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