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Log-In for Style Club Members

Welcome to the exclusive b-styled by blueprint Style Club!

You're in great company with only the most style-conscious and savvy people to business! You're "in" and as you saw before that means you'll be receiving

  • monthly emails with an outfit or look recommendation based on your Style Personality, so needless to say those 20 questions are pretty important. It's our way of getting to know you and making sure we're giving you information you can use
  • styling tips and tricks of the trade information to help you stay organized {no diva or don can truly be stylish on the outside when their proverbial style house is out of order}, learn how to highlight and hide certain areas {not everyone was built like a 'brickhouse' so we work with what we have, right?}, and get a bit of color inspiration {it's the quickest way to looking younger and more vibrant, and that's something we all want to do}

Periodically we'll host special sales or make special discounts available ~ they are always in limited quantity and for a limited period of time so if you see it, get it. Know that we're always and only looking for those items that will add to your personal style longevity and your style prowess.

That's it for now..... welcome to b-styled by blueprint Style Club ~ and we look forward to sharing a fabulously curated and stylish world with you!
