Monday Morning Power List

(Late) Monday Morning Power List

A week’s worth of fashion, faux pas, follies, fabulosity, finds, forgettables, regrettables, and the like……

  • Romper Room: during my time on the rooftop this past weekend, I saw more one-piece rompers than Carrie Bradshaw could hope to own in a year!  What makes them stylishly sophisticated besides keeping it monochromatic are the understated, neutral heels, simple purse and accessories…a busy flower print with “matching” heels looks more like a broken flower pot than a blooming flower!
  • Au Natural: this can mean many things (wink, wink) but, I’m talking about the use of makeup.  Simply put, too much of a good thing is a bad thing
  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: ladies we MUST get this right — full makeup re-application should be done behind closed doors.  Limit your public makeup re-application to lipstick (…not a lip pencil, gloss and shine)!

See.  Do.  Be.  Stylish.

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)