Just Because...

Is Sleep Deprivation Sexy (or Stylish)?

Ummm NO! Over the last two weeks, I have had crazy sleep patterns and don’t fully know why. Is it that I’m so psyched about the spring weather? Am I eating too much too late? Should I cut off my caffeine drip earlier in the day? Not sure but, Marie Claire recently did a great article on seven bedtime habits that ruin your sleep.

  1. maintain your sleep schedule ~ you can’t go from a night owl to early-to-bed-betty and think your body will agree with you immediately
  2. stop reading in bed ~ apparently your body knows that you’re supposed to feed it a few chapters and gets restless
  3. shut down your computer ~ the brightness of the computer screen stimulates the brain
  4. you need a good mattress, bedding and pillows ~ drop the cash and sleep well!
  5. nix the bright alarm clock ~ again the looming glare is distracting for sleep patterns
  6. get out of bed if you can’t sleep ~ do something super mundane (like TV, balancing a checkbook) and you’ll be catching zzz’s in no time
  7. workout earlier ~ intense exercise shouldn’t happen within three hours of sleep….{does that mean we should have lazy sex?!}

Not sure any of these have been my issue over the last couple of weeks but I’m willing to give it a try because I am sure that dark circles, lack of focus, lackluster skin, and bad posture are not stylish!

What’s your advice for solid slumber?

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


Looking stylish is having the right tools in your toolkit to show up more confidently (and I’m sharing lots of tools every week in my newsletter)