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Curing Shopoholism

Curing Shopoholism
2010/06/09 Maya H.

I created today's post more because I didn't have a cure to shopoholism.... Shopoholism is the affliction to purchase "stuff".  If I were Webster's I'd add, " purchase stuff that may not be needed, truly desired, or of value"  Is there a cure?

My answer takes me back to my roots in psychology and understanding the differences between beliefs and behaviors, and how you change them.  Here's are the two main pivotal points: it's fundamentally easier to change an individuals behaviors, and once you change an individuals behaviors, there are automatic shifts in their beliefs.  So, why do I even bother with this kind of jibber jabber??  Because I believe shopoholism is an acquired belief that the stuff being purchased fills some void, and by figuring out that 'something' you may be able to change the a person's behavior...thus, curing shopoholism!!

So, what is shopoholism?  Does it exist?  How do you contract this affliction?  Can it be cured?  If so, how?  Is it a nature vs nurture kinda thing?

Please, please, please....share your thoughts.  I'll be responsible to cull our collective genius and share the sum of our findings!
