Fall Trends| Style Tips| Trends

Can You Dress for Success?

The way you dress tells people who you are the minute you walk into a room — the average person assesses you within 20 seconds of meeting you.  So what does your work wardrobe say about you: professional and stylish or too casual and clueless?

The way you dress conveys respect to those with whom you interact, and it helps you feel confident.  Rule of thumb:  dress for the job you want, not the job you have!  Take cues from others in higher positions (higher-ups).  In addition, there are ways to “dress down” and still maintain an office-chic appearance: avoid  jeans and open-toe shoes.  When in doubt, remember it’s better “to be overdressed than underdressed.”  You want your customers and coworkers to be focusing on you, not what you’re wearing. (original article excerpt from LittlePINKBook done by Caroline Cox…thanks for sharing!)

Still need a little assistance? Click here to take advantage of one of only five slots for a deeply discounted Fall Closet Evaluation.

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

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Style Blueprint


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