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Book Review: Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

You’ve got to be asking yourself, “Why did Monica read that book?” I don’t have kids and although I am fond of reading and did read this book as a kid, my motive was different this go-round.

What would you wear if you visited Willy Wonka’s factory?

This is a big question because, if you remember, Willy Wonka only chose five people in the entire  world to go….you’d have to make an awesome impression! I’m good but this took a lot of thinking!!

My final selection would include earth tones and leopard print….(all so I could strategically  eat chocolate and camouflage stains):

What about you? I know you’ve got something better than me!

Read. Be Inspired. Share what you’d wear.

roald dahl

This post was inspired by the classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. To celebrate, Penguin Young Readers Group, in partnership with Dylan’s Candy Bar, the world-famous candy emporium, and First Book, a nonprofit social enterprise that provides books for children from low-income families, is launching a year-long international celebration.

Head over to From Left to Write to learn how you and your child can have a chance to win the Golden Ticket Sweepstakes where the grand prize is a magical trip to New York City plus much more! For every entry submitted, Penguin Young Readers Group will make a donation to First Book. Then, join From Left to Write on July 24 as we discuss Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. As a book club member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

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