Stylish People

Author Profile: Sophia Nelson

When you see the book title, “Black Woman Redefined” you think you know who should be reading this book, right? And if I hadn’t thumbed through it which would not have happened had not the author, Sophia Nelson, been my client, I would agree. But let me give me insight into who should really read this book….

  • Black men ~ the insights and breakdowns on how Black women process information and experiences will likely make you the hottest, most sought-after, understanding and eligible man alive!
  • Non-black women ~ your everyday interactions with black women will be changed for the positive. Simply by hearing the rundown of what even the most educated of us deals with today will likely allow you to see yourself in some of our struggles.
  • Non-black men ~ as one of the most undervalued constituents in American society, this book clears misconceptions and creates new pathways for viewing black women as your power-packed equals in many ways.

Truth be told, why I love the book isn’t for the parallels, insights, or inspiration it brings but because doing the book cover was a blast and Sophia is such a small stick of dynamite! We labored over what we wanted to say by the cover – who we wanted on the cover – the message we needed to convey; and in the end, I think we got it right. Besides the book, I wanted to share some nitty-gritty about the little stick of dynamite known as Sophia Nelson.

BfS: Thinking about your overall style, the one consistent thing is…

SN: I try to send a message that says don’t let the good looks & style fool you! “Classic” is me – Ralph Lauren and J Crew are two of my favorites.

BfS: The book cover, as styled by Blueprint for Style, captures your essence because…

SN: Out of 700+ photos shot in the summer 2010 photo shoot, that one shot captured… the “friend in my head”–she is me- fabulous, fierce and ready! I came of age post-1980s “Baby Boom” which meant I was a corporate girl dressed in dark colors, somewhat muted, almost masculine, and draped with classic pearls. I was that girl. I denied my softer, sexier, sensual side. Thank God those days are over. This is a new age, a new time and you can have it all if you have the courage to be authentically you.

BfS: You gravitate toward…

SN: Classic but I’m trying to be a little more Power Diva (snicker)!

BfS: At your place, your interior design scheme does/does not represent your personal style because…

SN: My home is a classic Virginia townhome which is my old personality, pre-Black Woman Redefined. I plan to trade the house in for an authentically Redefined Sophia house in 2013.

BfS: The next book cover will capture…

SN: Our need to reconnect as human beings, but I will not be on the front cover of that book! I’m sticking to my “classic” mantra and will be on the back cover in a classic black and white author shot. The question is just where and what I’ll be doing in it!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica

One Response

  1. Monica, great piece. Make sure we show them links to the photo shoot and the book cover so those who have not seen it YET can see your incredible handy work my sister! Thanks!

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