Fashion| Hotels| Travel

An Excellent Example of Shared Consumption

I’m in Paris at #LeWeb and the last 12 hours have been a little tiring, and a lot dizzying but I have walked away with a better perspective on the concept of responsible consumption. There is no better example of this than with Airbnb, an online community marketplace of space available for rent for short-term and longer term rentals. It’s great way to get immersed in the culture and relatively inexpensive for the traveler, and it’s extra cash for the owner when they’re home isn’t occupied.

This is my first time using Airbnb ~ admittedly, I am a Starwood woman ~ but this presents a number of advantages not the least of which is saving money and still living well. As I write this, I am in a studio apartment with free wifi, doing some work after having just hit the corner market for a few eats…’s so Paris!

And last but not least, it begins to change the economic equation by which we consume (read: spend) because we can more responsibly share space and still get what we want ~ novel concept. Just wait ~ there is so much more to this ideal of shared consumption that I can’t wait to spill it.  In the meantime, good night!

xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


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