As I was reading through a number of articles, I happened upon one about how to properly “grease a palm” and while it’s not a frequently practiced art today, it’s great information to have and only increases your “cool sophisticate” factor when you do it right.
The Details article (August 2009) gives three pointers to doing it “without feeling sleazy.”
- Start Small – a $20 is the accepted denomination. Make your request as you’re presenting a Jackson.
- Practice The Handoff – Fold the bill into fourths but skip the Vegas-style pass. Shake with your right, pass with your left.
- Be Persistent – higher-end hotels have staff trained to decline the ‘pass’. Ask again and the cash will likely be accepted.
Sounds right –let us know if it gets you a better table!.
3 Responses
LOVE THIS ARTICLE! You never cease to amaze me with your article topics. You are right on the money. I’ve used these techniques before and want to tell you that ‘Persistence’ is key along with a dab of charisma.
“Greasing the palm” might not be a frequently practiced art here in the US; but it is certainly practiced in several countries all over the world. Be sure not to appear “crass”. Style varies from country-to-country. What is practiced in several countries is the “wrapped” bill stuck in the right hand as one shakes, and the left hand used to “sandwich” the “greasee’s” hand to encourage acceptance. Pretty smooth when done properly, and virtually unnoticed by innocent bystanders. Now go grease a plam! LOL!