Style| Sun & Sand

2018 resort swimwear trends – pt 2

{it’s my favorite swimsuit…ever!}

I realize it doesn’t fit the current swimwear trends but the one-piece maillot pictured provides just the right coverage for my mid-section…thank God!

The next round of resort swimwear trends for 2018 include:

  • Sports bra tops
  • Ribbed or seersuker
  • Cheeky/fun

If you want to stick close to the trends then let me offer these couple of style tips:

  • Sports bra tops are most flattering on small breasted women or those that want to minimize their size
  • Ribbed or textured swimwear can appear bulky so, plan accordingly
  • Consider separates as an easy way to mix n’ match
  • Ribbed swimwear is great as a bikini top if you’re looking to bolster the “girls” a bit!

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xo, mo
Picture of Monica Barnett
Monica Barnett

chief image curator

Meet Monica
Style Blueprint


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