Sounds interesting huh? I am on Day 7 of this “31 Days Blog Challenge” whose end goal is to assist bloggers with creating better sites that generate more traffic. Our homework for today is to write a link post. I was going to link to another fashion blog, Madison Avenue Spy which I love for her writing and her timely insider deal info but, I opted to link to Lis and Michelle’s site, Savvy Blogging Success, because they’re the ones that got me started on this endeavor for blog betterment!
I am learning quite a bit and would clearly encourage any of you who are aspiring bloggers to take the challenge. I am woefully behind in my assignments (I’ve only completed three of the seven tasks to date), but I’m feeling better already. Do you think any of this is the placebo effect? I mean could it be that I think the blog is better simply because I’m taking this class?
Well, real or imagined, I think my site traffic has increased (I’m going to check later today).
Stay tuned for more lessons that, while I may not share them directly, hopefully you’ll see the results in my posts and information!
2 Responses
I think you have done a wonderful job with your website/blog. Truth be told I don’t really know the difference between a website and a blog; nonetheless, I applaud you for seeking self improvement. All of your readers are beneficators…Thank you!!!
Nearly all article marketers tend to be so concentrated on the article creation process that they completely neglect to market their articles. I great way to start is by ways of social traffic and seo.