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summer wardrobe staples

[shared on LinkedIn] The summer wardrobe staples every busy professional should own. The list is not endless. The list is a starting point. The list varies a little by industry. The list requires the application of your #personalstyle. Your SUMMER STAPLES include: 1️⃣ Lightweight, light-colored suit (not necessarily to be worn together) 2️⃣ White bottoms 3️⃣ Bright-colored tops 4️⃣ Smart layer (which we discussed in this post) 5️⃣ SPF (we favor this one because it goes on clear) 6️⃣ White

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Lifestyle & Tech

post-quarantine – which fashion norm will you subscribe to?

When this pandemic slows down a bit….I mean this first wave at least….I am certain we’ll be re-surfacing with some new fashion and style norms. I can see a few factions popping up now like the “denim for everything” crew, “leggings for life” group, etc. I’m on the fence but likely sticking with my original idea: dressing for comfort & versatility! Which quarantine dressing faction are you joining?! [poll id=”16″]

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Sizzlin’ Summer Style Q&A: Rules for the Seasons

Q: Typically, in 4 season climates, summer staples like seersucker, linen, spectator shoes, etc. are worn ONLY between Memorial Day and Labor day.  What is the rule for warmer geographies that experience only one or two seasons?  From Anthony A: Thank you for asking such an excellent question, Anthony!  Really, we’re dealing with a two season issue here because most people regardless of where they live dress for two seasons—fall/winter and spring/summer—and then combine pieces for the unpredictable weather in

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