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escentric molecule 01
Health & Beauty

Escentric Molecule 01

This scent has been written about in all of the fashion magazines and apparently even Rihanna wears it! S0 I was super excited to get this Escentric Molecule 01 …. The ‘word on the street‘ was that contains one single ingredient – the aroma chemical ‘Iso E Super’. It’s essentially a base note that when combined with your natural scent is like pure yumminess. To date, EVERYtime I’ve worn it, I’ve received multiple comments on it… I’m only sharing because

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Is It a Surprise that Celebrities or Entertainers “Look Stunning”?

Or, better yet, why is it a surprise that celebrities and entertainers who make millions and spend even more “look stunning”?  The next question to ask — what would they look like if they were me?! Two ladies come to mind — Rihanna and Katie Holmes because they are both in the news and rags often for being so ‘fashion forward’ and ‘looking stunning’ in their outfits.  If you had millions at your disposal, time on your hands in the

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