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start the year by quitting!

I don’t believe in “new year resolutions” because they prevent me from being great…sooner! Seriously! Why wait until the new year to do something that will benefit you when you can do it immediately, and start reaping the reward sooner?! I have taken to using the new year to QUIT, so I wanted to share a few things I’m quitting, and I’d love your comments if there are items you want to add to the list, or perhaps delete! Happy

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Features & Series

FIVE new year resolutions that are not resolutions

In full disclosure, I found an article that had several more REAL new year resolutions but these FIVE seem like excellent ones to implement IF you wanted to effect real change… Or perhaps you can adopt my philosophy which is to simply implement changes on an as-needed basis….thus avoiding the start-of-the-year shenanighans! #1: we get stuck on everything we’re doing wrong rather than focusing our attention on the things we do right or well. in 2018, flip-the-script and see the

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2014 Goals & Intentions

My word for 2014 is VALUE! Whether that means to value what I have, to not take something for granted, to increase the value of my relationships or experiences by being present, or to appreciate my opportunities and the corresponding revenue that results from them, I want to spend the year valuing what’s around me. I don’t do “resolutions” because it’s so 1999 plus it loses something in translation, if you will. I choose words like goals and intentions because

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