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Roadtrip Part 3: Headed to Duck, NC for #SoulRetreat

Duck, NC worked wonders! In spite of a 4 hour, 30 minute trip there (back was grueling since it started to snow……), I returned home relaxed and in a better #headspace. While I had originally planned to go as a way to rack up miles on the Toyota Highlander and do some work, it turned out to be the perfect opportunity to be open and receptive to what was to come and how to prepare for it. Add this to

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The Ubiquitous Fall Item: A Biker Jacket

Lots of ‘stuff’ is appearing on the runways and in the stores across the world for fall but, one of the most ubiquitous items has to the biker jacket.  Whether you like them, love them, hate them, or debate them — they will be around for at least the next six months. The big question is — How can I make it work for my classic and chic style sensibilities, or should I even make it work at all?  Below

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