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Even in the Heat, Stay Cool Down Under

Men — it’s the middle of summer, 90+ degrees, you’re sweating like you’re running a marathon, you’re trying to keep your cool while sitting across from a beautiful lady….you realize you may not be quite as cool ‘down under’ as you orignally thought!  The answer is Dry Goods Athletic Spray Powder. It’s a point-and-shoot talc powder that cools all of your hot areas cool.

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Manly Monday Style Meter

A stylish start to the week from last week’s lessons learned… Too Much of a Good Thing: ….can be very bad!  Gents- do plan to add a little color to your closet for the Holidays, but don’t go overboard.  A simple red or green (not both) v-neck sweater with a crisp white button-down puts you in the ball game with a double; a pair of low-key, festive socks gets you a triple; a smile and chirping “Happy Holidays” gets you

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Monday Morning Power List

A week’s worth of fashion, faux pas, follies, fabulosity, finds, forgettables, regrettables, and the like…… Little is BIG: There’s a saying that goes “…devil is in the details.”  We can apply it to tons of situations, but the big takeaway is that it’s the little things that count.  Our style application — the nicest accessories and most expensive clothing can suddenly fall flat when you notice unkempt nails, noisome body odor, or improperly applied makeup or the likes.  It’s the little

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